
Away From Christmas

Christmas away from family is sad yet it is also the moment you realize how much you love and cherish them. It's the distance apart from them that makes you want to embrace them tightly and give them sweet kisses on the cheeks. It dawns on you how much you miss them and that there is indeed no place like home.

People tend to travel and find places they've never been to. It's because maybe, they wanted a different environment and experience new culture away from the comforts of their homes. They are also curious if they can see growth in them from other unfamiliar geographic locations. They are interested to learn new perspectives in life and see if they can get something significant from them. This may be hard since they decide to leave home where they grew up in. No mother will prepare his breakfast. No maid will wash her clothes. No one will clean his dishes and so on and so forth. They want to have a taste of independence in a different setting where they can sense fresh and new things.

Now that it's Christmas time, the longing of wanting to be with family heightens. Tears may fall from your eyes, reminiscing how happy and joyful it was to be with your loved ones. However, we can't deny the fact that someday, we may not see home amidst the jingles and parties happening around. All we can do is open our communication with them during this special day of Christ's birth. Through calling or greeting them is just one way of making you feel that distance from them can be as close as it can be.

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