
Movie Review: The Help by Tate Taylor

Racism. This is the main issue addressed by the film, The Help, as a whole. Directed by Tate Taylor, the movie tells a story about a fresh college graduate named Eugenia “Skeeter” Phelan (played by Emma Stone) who is about to jumpstart her career as a writer by moving back to her hometown, determined to publish her own book. She chronicles about how the black women working as maids in their place were inhumanely treated by their white American households.

The movie gained a lot of recognition in the Academy Awards including Best Supporting Actress for Octavia Spencer and a nomination for Best Picture.

The film is witty in its interpretation of how some black Americans hesitantly fight for their rights and how some of them courageously face the insults of the white citizens. The serious but entertaining plot flows well and is easy to comprehend. The stories of the black maids who are being discriminated are presented in a way that you will empathize and feel for them.

I admire how the camera unpretentiously captures the sophisticated yet dramatic environment of the movie. The costumes are nicely tailored such that it realistically reflect the film’s era.

Almost all the characters have made an impact on me since each of them offers something unique and interesting on the table. Undeniably, the actors are effective in their performances as they honestly bring to life the qualities and actuations of their roles.

The Help is a must-see film since it helps us recall how big the problem of racism was at the past. It makes us realize how we must treat each other with love and respect regardless of our color, gender, or status in the society.

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