
What to do in Jaro Fiesta

Once again, Jaro, Iloilo City, is celebrating their feast in honor of Our Lady of Candles. And yes, jeepney routes drastically change whenever this day comes because people from the different parts of Iloilo travel to Jaro to visit their relatives who have prepared something scrumptious to eat.

However, it wouldn't be easy arriving here. You might want to leave your homes early so as not to get stuck in the absurd traffic. But taking a long walk wouldn't be bothersome, thinking that when you get there, you’ll be hospitably served with lots of food. However, never assume that every house that you would get your feet into has prepared a meal for their guests. I believe what's important is that one will have the chance to once again chat and catch up with relatives after a long time of no communication. And yes, why not go to the beautiful Cathedral and spend some silent time to pray and reflect?

The long queue of vehicles on the day of  Jaro fiesta celebration
Sometimes, it's better to walk than spend a  long time in a seemingly immobile jeepney.
Ukay-ukay is also popular whenever this feast is held. You can buy cheap but fashionable used clothes in the plaza. There are also other great buys that you can find there- accessories, creative jars, woven bags, shoes, and many more.

If you want to eat more just to satisfy your hungry tummy, Perri Todd’s is just steps away from Jaro Cathedral, right across Jaro Elementary School. Satisfy your tongue with its big, delicious, mouth-watering grilled burger and yummy al dente pastas while cooling yourselves with their iced-tea tower.

Pomodoro and Bologna in Perri Todd's for 150 php
Classic Burger for 110 php. You can also choose other kinds of burgers like the one which is loaded with tomatoes and vegetables.
Of course, this feast is celebrated to remind residents and the people as a whole of  Mother Mary’s love to them. It’s not just about eating and partying but also, one should look at the life he/she lives and pray that God will continue to lead him/her to the right path.

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