
Warm Bodies (2013)

Have you heard about the film, Warm Bodies? A friend told me that this was a really interesting movie and when she disclosed the plot to me, I definitely got curious about it. Fortunately, I got the chance to watch it. Indeed, the story appealed to me since this horror/romance/comedy film did not involve beautiful vampires, rather, zombies were the main attraction of the entire reel - zombies who, after discovering they were capable of feelings and emotions, started to turn back into their human selves.

Warm Bodies, directed and written by Jonathan Levine, was based on the novel of the same title written by Isaac Marion. It starred Nicholas Hoult as R and Teresa Palmer as Julie. R was a zombie who fell in love at first sight with Julie, a human who was in a mission to kill zombies. But when Julie was incapable of saving her life from the strong, menacing zombies, R was there to save her. They stayed in an airplane, home of R, for days as Julie attempted to escape a few times but failed since zombies were everywhere. It was R who became her knight and shining armor. As he felt love, his heart started to beat and he realized in the end that through this emotion, he was starting to turn into a human once more.

I definitely love the unpretentious chemistry between the two main characters. There was a humorous but sincere spark in them which also progressed the story in a quirky way despite the spooky and dilapidated environment one experiences throughout the film. Their peculiar but funny love story balanced the suspense and horror brought by the carnivorous zombies and the agile, unforgiving skeletal creatures called the "bonies".

The locations and props were artistically set-up in order to show a believable dead town. It's as if just by looking at the screen, you'll feel that you were also in the zombieland because of the depressing environment that the production excellently created.

The tracks of the movie were mostly vintage music. It fitted the attributes of the main characters well. This had also added to the quirk and light parts of the film. It made this zombie film cool.

The plot transitioned well towards the climax. As R found out he and his fellow zombies were healing at the latter part of the movie, this was also the time when the more powerful villains, the bonies, tried to topple down humans and zombies alike. This made the ending a bit more interesting since Julie had to convince her father, the head of the military, that zombies were now getting better and that there was another group of enemies, more vicious and dangerous, awaiting them.

Romance was also incorporated well in the film that lovebirds out there would surely relate to. The author was actually inspired by the story, Romeo and Juliet, when he wrote this book that's why I noticed a scene where R went to Julie's home where the the zombie guy was calling out to the latter who was right in the azotea. Still sweet.

So for fans of zombie movies out there who also wanted a mix of comedy and a unique love story, Warm Bodies is absolutely the perfect solution. 

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