
Summer at the Mall

          When the heat being emitted by the summer sun just seems to be intolerable, Filipinos have a better , most common way to combat such – malling!
          That’s what my cousins and I exactly did. We strolled  at SM Megamall where people unstoppably swarmed its stores and restaurants. Truly, malling is a surefire way to escape the steamy atmosphere at home and in the streets.
          I have always loved window-shopping.  My eyes are entertained by all these cool stuff that allure me to cash out some moolah from my pocket. When temptation lurks, all I need is a little self-control, buying only the things that are of importance. But just because one doesn’t go home with bags of new clothes and shoes, it doesn't mean he can no longer enjoy malling. In fact, just by cooling oneself as he walks past different stalls is already an entertaining recreation most especially when he’s with family and friends.  
          My cousins and I first filled our hungry tummies with the tasty, superbly meaty Mexican Chicken from El Pollo Locco. Seriously, I just couldn’t get enough of this delicious chicken.

         Then, after being energized with a fulfilling food, we just strolled through shops and department stores.  I bought a transparent spectacle on sale so that I could transform into the nerdy me when the mood arises.
         Afterwhich, we just headed to Papemelroti, a store that sells recycled paraphernalia and keepsakes such as this awesome little notebook and this simple, inspiring organizer (picture below) I purchased for just a cheap price.

         Well, I didn’t spend my summer by the beach but I did happily spend it in a place where families and friends usually come together to chill away from the scorching heat. I spent my summer at the mall and honestly, I liked it.

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