
Newfound Friendship Over Songs and Pizza

Once, I was at a karaoke house/pizza restaurant in Makati together with my uncle. Boy, how he really loved singing. We needed to write about four songs on a piece of paper then give it to the waiter for him to process the songs in the videoke machine. We had to wait for our turn for the microphone since there were still other customers who were passionately singing at the top of their lungs.

When I saw my song of choice appeared on the machine's screen, they handed to me the microphone and so I began singing. I hope my voice wasn't bad since many could hear it. I think the resto was called Pizza Avenue. They really had a good-tasting pizza. You could have the regular one in four slices for Php 110. Not bad since the pie was loaded with ground beef, cheese, and mushrooms.

After I sang, it was my uncle's turn. Of course, he chose Tagalog and Visayan songs which he really belted out with  emotions. Then, a guy from the table in front of us walked his way towards us. He sat on a free chair by our table and started chatting with my uncle. He said that that he was surprised upon hearing my tito singing a Visayan song since he was also a Bisaya. He hailed from Negros and flew here in Manila to work. This guy, in his thirties, also had an awesome singing voice since he could reach very high notes. He could even play with his voice in different tones and style. And he's just friendly.

I realized that in just a short time, you could be friends with someone whom you don't personally know. This is because you can find something similar with this person, may it be culture or religion or just hobbies. My uncle and I went home almost past 12 am and boy, I had a lot of fun singing and munching pizza.

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