
Breaking Dawn Part 1 Film Review

          Finally, I’ve watched Breaking Dawn Part 1 and it totally was the finest of all the Twilight movie installations I’ve ever seen. The flow of the scenes were amusingly engaging, captivating the hearts and minds of the viewers with the unique and mysterious love triangle of Edward, Bela, and Jacob.
            The film’s plot focuses on the marriage of Edward and Bela and the risky pregnancy of the latter. The fast growing infant inside Bela’s uterus saps out her physiological health, weakening her bones and seemingly sucking her blood as well. The wolf pack, on the other hand, wants to kill the Cullen family including the newborn baby of Bela since this is the only way for their bloodline to survive. However, Jacob, being loyal to Bela eversince, won’t allow this to happen and separates from the pack. We see how Bela loses her life for her baby and how Edward desperately wants her other half to survive by injecting her with his venom and biting her on almost every part of her already cold body.
          I really love the movie’s musical scores since it well complemented the mood of each scene, making me connect more to the drama or action being presented.
          The special effects were brilliant most especially during the heart-pounding fighting scenes between the vampires and the wolves. I was taken aback by Belas’ emaciated physical appearance during her pregnancy. It looked absolutely true that it made me think Kirsten Stewart starved herself in real life.
          The cinematography was pleasing to the eyes. It superiorly took every angle in the most creative technique. Some shots were simple yet visually lovely.
          Taylor, Kirsten, and Rob had naturally stretched their acting abilities in this installation because some conflicts required intense, deeper emotions.
          The settings were admirable especially with the frequent views of beaches and lush forests. The place (off coast Brazil) where the main couple spent their honeymoon was really a dreamland. It really reflected how big time Cullens were.
        Though the movie was very “bitin”, it effectively allured me to look forward to the next part. I hope there would be more adrenaline-rushing twists and revelations that will leave us in awe. Director Bill Condon must have sweated out all his creative juices in this romantic yet action-packed movie.

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